Coaching, Mentoring and Training

Area and definition

How is it useful?

Coaching is generally on a short term 1:1 basis and conducted because of a specific set objective. The coachee directs the pace of the session and the coach asks appropriate questions to assist the coachee to achieve the set objective.

The coach only needs to be an expert in being a coach, emotional intelligence and one or more specific techniques (including standard questioning and listening skills, NLP, Transactional Analysis, TLT, Hypnosis, Clean Language).

Enhances performance quickly enabling clarity, behavioural change and increased emotional intelligence.

Mentoring is usually on a long term 1:1 basis where the Mentor uses his/her prior experience to guide/advise on an ongoing basis.

The Mentor is an expert in the subject and may or may not use coaching techniques to assist with effective communication and impact.

Leveraging the experience of the Mentor who knows the challenges and the short cuts. The fact that it is personalised and given by someone who is respected means the content has a good chance of making an impact.

Training is generally on a 1:many basis where there is content to be learned and the trainer sets the pace of the session.

The Trainer is an expert in the subject and coaching techniques may be used to assist with effective communication and impact.

Learning new information in a cost effective and yet timely way. Standard training does not change behaviour, it informs, and unless the information is used what is learnt is generally forgotten.